Why racheal kaki should not be given a forth term in kitui south

 Racheal Kaki has been the MP for kitui south in kitui county, since 2013. Over all the years of her election she has gone against all odds to thwart the dominating wiper party. She is the only female Member of parliament across the region to survive three elections with a party which opposed to wiper hence earning the title the iron lady of Ukambani.

Over years, the woman who has the great hope for the people of kitui south is nolonger showing her prowess of leadership but turning to be clueless leader andf a flower girl just to rubber stamp anything from the executive without considerations of what the impact to her own electorates. the people of kitui south have nothing to brag about. 

She has been on the opposite side with her electorates over her recent remarks during the recent Gen Z revolution. During the hot debate in parliament the MP was on record while rubbishing the claims of the young generation. With little or no understanding of  change of priorities and gneration swap, the MP has been left outdated with the current needs of the society. She is riding on a cart while the society is need of aleader who is flying on development matters . 

Although the MP is a product of upcountry scholarship, she has foghjt tooth and nail to ensure no graduate from her constituency can secure a similar opportunity to further their studies. leave alone that, the schools  for basic education in the area are poorly structured with no hope of future development. the lives of the children in the area are at high risk due to the poor sttuctures. the muddy and shoddy classes is all what the people of the constituency can be happy of.

When we look at the issues of bursary this is where the biggest lion is dead. the distribution is so biased such that its who is who in the constituency.  How vocal is your parent and who did they vote for in the previous election. if you went for her opponent then you have to turn your academics off as there is no share  for you. The youth who sing praise and worship to her are awatrded  a coin at least to motivate them continue singing the song of lost hope.

To make sure that she thwarts any effort to speak up agaist her ill works, the MP has formed a mismanaged communication team of 15 hopeless yoths who are paid peanuts stipends for bundles. This is the best she can do to the graduates of her constituency.

the Mp has proven beyond measure that she cannot be the best candidate for the people of kitui south. The constituency needs a fresh blood in power who will be able to drive the constituency forward. A person who can resonate well with people listen to their desires and make Kitui South appear in the national map.


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