Why kitui county governor might find himself in a hotpan

Kitui county governor Dr Julius malombe Might find himself in the wrong side with the assembly .This is after a one of the minority leadership in the assembly expressed his dissatisfaction with the malombes  decision to have 26 departments to work with in order to deliver to the common mwananchi .In a chat with his electorates the  Matinyani MCA who also doubles as the minority chief whip in the assembly as termed the regime as a constipated governor who has overburdened the tax payer with many useless departments.
This can result to duplicate of duties and even unresponsiblity in case of a failure in one of the departments .The MCA recorded the following towards the same 
"I have a lot of respect for GOVERNOR MALOMBE. But he simply can't FORM a Government of 26 DEPARTMENTS when MOMBASA COUNTY has 16 Chief Officers. When you designate a CHIEF OFFICER for IRRIGATION, what exactly shall he be doing? How do you have a CHIEF OFFICER for DISASTERS and EMERGENCY SERVICES? How do you have a CHIEF OFFICER for PUBLIC COMMUNICATION and GOVERNOR'S SERVICE DELIVERY UNIT? How do you have a CHIEF OFFICER for INTER-GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS? All that is stuff that can go to ADMINSTRATION or be handled by the Governor or the Deputy. How do you have a CHIEF OFFICER for HOSPITALITY (just hire a catering officer) or GAME RESERVES, is WILDLIFE even a DEVOLVED function? If you have a CHIEF OFFICER for MEDICAL SERVICES, what do you need another CHIEF OFFICER of DRUGS and MEDICAL SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT (Doesn't Kitui County or the Health Department have a Procurement Officer?) If you have a CHIEF OFFICER for FINANCE, REVENUE MANAGEMENT and ACCOUNTING, what do you need another CHIEF OFFICER for ECONOMIC PLANNING and BUDGETING? How do you have a whole CHIEF OFFICER for BODABODA SECTOR? If you have a CHIEF OFFICER for EDUCATION, what do you need a CHIEF OFFICER for HOMECRAFT CENTRES for? How do you have a CHIEF OFFICER for WATER and another for IRRIGATION in Kitui, what IRRIGATION? This is a CONSTIPATED GOVERNMENT!"
This comes after a list from the KCSB emerged online on the members who were to be interviewed to fill up the said positions .
What are your views my dear reader on the said appointments .leave a comment behind 


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