The Genesis of KYF woes
Of recent there has been Much hype of a youth Forum Kenya Youth Federation. This group had taken the media with a storm sending all the other youth forums to drawing table. However, the KYFs recent silence has come up with a strong insights within the national management of the group. One of the top leaders in one of the forums has written down complaining to members what has been smoking up. "Asalam Aleikum.. I would wish to clarify some few things to each and every member in here. The Pioneer who acted as a link of KYF from the National Arena was one Mr @Prince Yongoh... He as the acting Executive director then made possible the mobilization, Awareness and penetration to the grassroots level of KYF agendas. He was embraced and worked diligently to make this a success. I came in later in giving him a helping hand in coordinating the activities which include: Elections and membership. This did flow so well under close guidance and directions from the head office. A fortnight ago we got a call that shook us and made us go slow. A call from the National Chairperson alleging that he has appointed one Twahir as the Exec director and hence Mr Albert should handover the mantle to which he obliged without any bad feelings despite his earlier efforts of bringing this into reality. I followed it up with the head office and confirmed the same. I continued working closely with Wakili Betty. Now yesterday bwana @Twahir-Manzil gave a maiden visit to the National office. After thorough deliberations they (National team) in their own wisdom or lack of it unanimously agreed to appoint Mr @Twahir-Manzil as the executive director as per the communication that I have at hand from one Nick Rakweri the Secretary General KYF.. Having said that: I told him that there are a number of issues that people are lamenting about and MUST be addressed before any elections are held in Tana River chapter as they may bring confusion and conflict of interest. He promised to liase with @Twahir-Manzil and organize a virtual meeting with all the members who would wish to participate so that all their issues be addressed and concerns answered. Now members.. It is upon you now to push for such a meeting with the National office for proper communication and your issues addressed. Demand audience from the National office via their County Representative. I thank you."
This has made many members to begin to worry about the future of the group when the infights begins at the tender age of the group.
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