One man One shilling is the way Wamuchomba now claims

Githunguri Member of Parliament Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba proposes a "One man, One shilling" bill in the National Assembly in relation to the disbursement of NGCDF.

Wamuchomba Says that densely populated constituencies like Mt. Kenya have been casualties of unequal distribution of resources for far too long.

She says the Mount Kenya region generates the highest share of tax revenue owing to its huge population and enterprise but gets a raw deal when accessing funding for development projects and services.

She further claims it's high time the national resource allocation formula gets revised for equal and fair representation.

The one-man-one-shilling principle was a linchpin of the failed Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) constitutional amendment attempt that was fronted by the Jubilee administration. The Bill saw its exit after a hotly debated assembly deliberations in last regime

Going by the stance taken by Mount Kenya legislator, the one-man-one-shilling debate is likely to become a defining political subject.


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